Tag Archives: fast

day five, still unweighed because i am a lazy fuck

Good news! I brought the scale inside the house! I haven’t actually stepped on it, but you know… whatever. I’ll do it tomorrow! 😀

Today has been an interesting day! Well, let’s start with last night. (I am a master of flow and chronology!) Last night was Warrior. Warrior was… well, it sucked. After two laps around the track my legs were just stiff and hating me. As if I had run ten miles. I was tired on the insides of my thighs. :[ So it definitely wore me out. My upper body was okay but I was just run down. Not working out for a month and a half and then radically changing your source of energy will do that, I suppose. Bummer!

I knew that working out was going to be a bit tough and my stamina was going to be reduced but… GOD DAMN. I guess I hadn’t really internalised that. Whoooooops.

So, today! I fasted from after Warrior until noon today. Wasn’t hungry until 11 am, but I figured I would wait. Interesting experience! I had a handmade mozzarella stuffed burger with no bun and a big ass salad. Yuuuuum! No photos, because I forgot. Whoops!

I got to walk Pooch for the first time in two weeks with my husband. Pooch was thrilled, naturally. Our neighbors called us into their large yard and we got to let the dogs run around and play with their dog. Very kind people! They gave us a large bowl of their home-grown lettuce. I am definitely having an awesome lettuce/spinach salad tomorrow for lunch. 😀 And they are growing zucchini and invited us to wander by and grab some when it comes in! Yessssss! I can’t wait until I can have my own garden and grow too many vegetables!

After the walk, Isaac was craving a breakfast burrito. So I made some CHORIZO and eggs! CHORIZO and eggs because my CHORIZO to egg ratio was waaay off. Even though I used 8 eggs. Thus, CHORIZO. And some bell peppers, garlic, scallion, tomatoes, cheese, sour cream, lime juice… I had mine in a bowl and hubby had two burritos. I kind of miss tortillas, but the only carb craving I had today was for some almond milk ice cream. :[  I will have to have a fast day again and have super low carbs so I can have some. It is delicious and cappucino and omnomnomnom.

I’m going to try another 8pm-12pm fast again. I didn’t overeat when I broke it, which was quite surprising. Reddit was right, Keto fills you up like CRAZY. Delicious fats, you are so awesome.

I need to hydrate more (second day in a row of being bad! Damn it!). And my bottom has been quite productive. Hopefully it settles out. I thought I was supposed to get constipated, not all runny. :[ Oh well.

Tomorrow I need to get my ass over to the old apartment and finish clearing it out. Hopefully hubby gets off work early enough to help. And Saturday we have a very good friend coming to stay the night/a move to orchestrate. I’m pretty sure we’re going to Trapper’s… going to be very awkward explaining to the chefs that, no, I really am ordering only sashimi… Hopefully my willpower is strong enough to resist the Trump. ;_;

I will be strong. I MUST be strong.

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