Tag Archives: ketogenic diet

day 44, 148 lbs

Yet again, another delay. I blame my hubby. He had the weekend off and we ended up having loads of adventures. Ah, well, it was fun. c:

Thursday I ended up throwing a salad together for lunch. Baby spinach, oil and vinegar, feta, pine nuts, tomatos, and salami. Yuuuuum. I went and picked apples for an hour and brought a few dozen to my women’s group. I had an apple and was almost overwhelmed by the sweetness. Wow. So damn good. I had a slice of my flognarde as well.


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day 38, 149

And it took me five days to update again. Ridiculous! I really need to get my act together.

Quick recap! Late on Friday, my husband and our Afganistan-returnee buddy went to Trapper’s sushi. This was a HUGE test of will power for me. I love sushi very dearly, and while sashimi is *good*, it doesn’t hold a candle to a proper roll.

But the low-carb gods smiled on me. Junior, a super special awesome broski chef, made me low-carb handrolls. I have no idea what the calorie counts were like–probably high, since they were filled with everything delicious. But I didn’t get sick, so I figure I did well. :] Now I can eat delicious things and not be yearning to cheat.
Saturday, hubby had duty and our buddy went to stay with family. I did chores and chatted with one of my besties. I didn’t really get *that* much cleaning done… I’m not much of a housewife, to be honest. Hubby is always trying to get me to do dishes as I’m cooking and I do alright… until after we eat. I’m like “ugh, I don’t want to clean the serving dishes or plates…” and then I banish them to the sink, where I pretend they don’t exist until morning. It drives him crazy. I just hate doing dishes. >.>

I had bacon and eggs for breakfast, because I was lazy. Dinner was some cheap steak done in butter with zucchini strips.

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day 33, 149 lbs

Back to trying to, mostly, update every day. Right! Okay! 😀

Yesterday was a very peculiar day. I picked up hubby from work at 6:30 am and grabbed his friend. We went out to breakfast, where I ate an omelette the size of a small house and three pieces of bacon. I can’t make omelettes, so it is always a treat when I get one. I’m not a bad cook, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do the flippy part. I’ve followed Jacques Pépin’s instructions, but every time I try they turn into crappy scrambled eggs. Ah, well, I just need to practise more. I guess.

I finished my playthrough on Dragon Age 2 with my hubby-clone-Hawke. My first complete male playthrough ever! Go me! 😀 Admittedly, it was much easier to commit when hubby wanted to see his doppleganger kick some ass. Also, the voice actor wasn’t terribad!

I had my remaining leftover burgers for lunch and then proceeded to fall asleep until this morning. I was completely beat. Hubby was a bit upset with me. He gets out of work and I spend all day snoring away… oops.


So, after a thirteen hour sleep, a nice shower and cuddles with Pooch, I made breakie! Breakfast was scrambled eggs and spinach, with a big shake of coffee and protein powder. 60g of protein in the shake, baby! OM NOM NOM.


I haven’t had lunch yet, still super full from breakfast, but I will probably have delicious animal flesh for dinner. Nomnomnom.


In other news, I now fit super comfortably into my size 7 jeans. This means I am down 2 pant sizes, and down to only two pairs of jeans that fit. I am trying to reach a 4 by the time school starts. I have until September 24th! Maybe I will take my measurements again next week. I am trying to avoid measuring myself daily, because it is awkward and I am lazy and it is a bit depressing. Also, I need a proper measuring tape. Trying to measure yourself with thread, then translate that accurately to a rigid measure is… difficult, to say the least.

I need to work on drinking WAY more water and taking photographs again. And maybe in another month, I’ll be able to take a progress photo… I *do* have befores, but I took them down about five minutes after posting them. Maybe when I have something awesome to compare them to, I’ll be able to post them…


Until next time. Happy eating!

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