Category Archives: Uncategorized

Day 121, 140 lbs

Well. I disappeared. That was my bad.


Good news! I haven’t fallen off the bandwagon. I plateaued at 143 for a while, but recently dropped to 140 where I have maintained for a few weeks. Measurements wise, I am now a 35-26-38 with a 22″ thigh. I wear a 28/30 (with 4% spandex, to be fair) at Urban Outfitters, or approximately a size six. Considering my starting measurements were 35/30/40 (didn’t measure thigh because I was dumb) and 170 lbs, I am feeling very pleased. Ideally, I want to lose 10 more lbs and reach a size 4, but I’m definitely much happier with my body right now. I still have a booty and my body is much leaner. I would like to start lifting weights again, but I keep finding excuses not to. I am planning a cheat day on Thanksgiving, so I will have to get my butt to the gym on Friday or Saturday to compensate.

I am doing relatively well in school. I changed majors because I realised I do not want to be an Engineer. I’m pursuing an English and Biology double degree with the goal of becoming a High School Teacher (much to my husbands disappointment… he wanted me to be his Sugar Momma… whoops).

We got another dog! A boxer/mastiff named Brock. He’s six months and 60 lbs. Gah. He’s the most lovable little boy ever, though. :] He and Poochie are best friends!


Bad news! I had a pretty bad manic episode in September and had to switch drugs. I’m presently on 50mg of Lamictal, which I am ramping up tomorrow to 100mg. It makes me spacey as shit and sometimes I just… lose time. It took a while to actually kick in and work, so I was really unstable for a while there. I’m feeling a lot more normal and in control now but it was a long time coming.


I’ll try to update with food recipes in the coming week. I’ve made some pretty incredible things in the past few months.



day 44, 148 lbs

Yet again, another delay. I blame my hubby. He had the weekend off and we ended up having loads of adventures. Ah, well, it was fun. c:

Thursday I ended up throwing a salad together for lunch. Baby spinach, oil and vinegar, feta, pine nuts, tomatos, and salami. Yuuuuum. I went and picked apples for an hour and brought a few dozen to my women’s group. I had an apple and was almost overwhelmed by the sweetness. Wow. So damn good. I had a slice of my flognarde as well.


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day 38, 149

And it took me five days to update again. Ridiculous! I really need to get my act together.

Quick recap! Late on Friday, my husband and our Afganistan-returnee buddy went to Trapper’s sushi. This was a HUGE test of will power for me. I love sushi very dearly, and while sashimi is *good*, it doesn’t hold a candle to a proper roll.

But the low-carb gods smiled on me. Junior, a super special awesome broski chef, made me low-carb handrolls. I have no idea what the calorie counts were like–probably high, since they were filled with everything delicious. But I didn’t get sick, so I figure I did well. :] Now I can eat delicious things and not be yearning to cheat.
Saturday, hubby had duty and our buddy went to stay with family. I did chores and chatted with one of my besties. I didn’t really get *that* much cleaning done… I’m not much of a housewife, to be honest. Hubby is always trying to get me to do dishes as I’m cooking and I do alright… until after we eat. I’m like “ugh, I don’t want to clean the serving dishes or plates…” and then I banish them to the sink, where I pretend they don’t exist until morning. It drives him crazy. I just hate doing dishes. >.>

I had bacon and eggs for breakfast, because I was lazy. Dinner was some cheap steak done in butter with zucchini strips.

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day 33, 149 lbs

Back to trying to, mostly, update every day. Right! Okay! 😀

Yesterday was a very peculiar day. I picked up hubby from work at 6:30 am and grabbed his friend. We went out to breakfast, where I ate an omelette the size of a small house and three pieces of bacon. I can’t make omelettes, so it is always a treat when I get one. I’m not a bad cook, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do the flippy part. I’ve followed Jacques Pépin’s instructions, but every time I try they turn into crappy scrambled eggs. Ah, well, I just need to practise more. I guess.

I finished my playthrough on Dragon Age 2 with my hubby-clone-Hawke. My first complete male playthrough ever! Go me! 😀 Admittedly, it was much easier to commit when hubby wanted to see his doppleganger kick some ass. Also, the voice actor wasn’t terribad!

I had my remaining leftover burgers for lunch and then proceeded to fall asleep until this morning. I was completely beat. Hubby was a bit upset with me. He gets out of work and I spend all day snoring away… oops.


So, after a thirteen hour sleep, a nice shower and cuddles with Pooch, I made breakie! Breakfast was scrambled eggs and spinach, with a big shake of coffee and protein powder. 60g of protein in the shake, baby! OM NOM NOM.


I haven’t had lunch yet, still super full from breakfast, but I will probably have delicious animal flesh for dinner. Nomnomnom.


In other news, I now fit super comfortably into my size 7 jeans. This means I am down 2 pant sizes, and down to only two pairs of jeans that fit. I am trying to reach a 4 by the time school starts. I have until September 24th! Maybe I will take my measurements again next week. I am trying to avoid measuring myself daily, because it is awkward and I am lazy and it is a bit depressing. Also, I need a proper measuring tape. Trying to measure yourself with thread, then translate that accurately to a rigid measure is… difficult, to say the least.

I need to work on drinking WAY more water and taking photographs again. And maybe in another month, I’ll be able to take a progress photo… I *do* have befores, but I took them down about five minutes after posting them. Maybe when I have something awesome to compare them to, I’ll be able to post them…


Until next time. Happy eating!

day 32, 149 lbs

What a week! I am utterly exhausted. My mum and little sister flew in on the 15th for a quick vacation. My mum and I have never been especially close, but it was nice to have her over. My little sister is SUPER tall now! She’s 10 and almost five foot. It’s insane.

On Wednesday, I ate a lot of pork rinds and munched on nuts. I made a chicken dish for dinner, which was quite yummy. Thursday, we stayed at home and tried to (rather unsuccessfully) beat the heat. I made spaghetti squash alfredo with cheap beef. Friday we went to Poulsbo and Silver City for dinner. I had the steak… nomnomnom. Saturday we went back to Point No Point and spent the whole day there. We had leftovers primarily for dinner.

Sunday was grilling day! I made my super awesome delicious burgers. My home-girl made an AMAZING cabbage dish thing that kicked all of the asses. So good. I almost got my sister to try some… but she’s extremely fussy, so it didn’t work. :[

Monday, we went to Scenic Beach with Pooch! Lots and lots of fun. We went out to dinner that evening with hubby at Bremerton Bar and Grill. I ate another steak, but it was delicious so I was happy. Nomnomnom!

Tuesday was our big trip to Seattle! We started the day at EMP. We played instruments, wandered the exhibits, and ventured down to the Sci-Fi Museum. My little sister loves Star Trek, and she was really excited to see the Captain’s Chair. They had a little Portal exhibit, too! It was very cute.

After EMP we went to the Space Needle for lunch. I had some salmon and spinach and salad, then a good portion of the crab/lobster salad my mum ordered. After that we went to Chihuly’s Garden and Glass museum.




That place is DOPE. MIND BLOWINGLY AWESOME. I was just awe-struck. Wow.


Anywho. We went to Lush and I got some Cynthia Sylvia Stout and Retread for myself. Going to order some nice gifts for my mum and sister online, since I didn’t want to ship them via luggage. We went home later that evening and had leftover burgers and cabbage. Yummmm.

I drove them to the Airport on Wednesday and had a salad on the ferry. Ten bucks for a salad and a water! What a fucking rip off. I was too hungry to wait, though. :[

I weighed myself for the first time in weeks this morning and was very excited to see 149. Finally! I haven’t really been counting calories and logging my meals the last few days, but I intend to get right back on that. :] Vacation is over! Back to work!

day twenty four, 151 lbs

Nearly a week has gone by since I even thought about my blog .Whoops! I got super, err, busy. Right. Busy.

…okay, I’m just lazy. So, recap time! Whee!

Friday night I had a gal-pal over for dinner and a movie. I made Sour Cream Pork Chops with grilled zucchini and onions. They turned out awesome! Sour Cream is such a useful, delicious item. It is probably my go-to for quick and easy dinners now. I had another one of my cupcakes, because I am a bad girl. ;D Then we went and saw The Dark Knight Rises. Gal-pal hadn’t seen it yet and we couldn’t have that. The movie was probably even better the second go round, to be honest. Probably because I didn’t have to pee through the last hour and a half.

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day nineteen, 153 lbs

What a wonderful few days it has been! Tuesday night, hubby and I went to his mums place for dinner. It was very nice, not having to cook and having such a wonderful meal. I went over on my calories, sure, but it was an absolutely lovely meal and evening. Momma made spaghetti and red sauce for hubby and the others and a divine Caesar Salad (no croutons!) for me. I had some mozzarella and salami with it and it was delightful. The fresh bread was so tempting… but I stayed strong! I kept chanting in my brain “carbs are gross, carbs are gross”. Eventually I will start to believe this!

She made a wonderful keto cheesecake dessert for me. The jam preserve definitely has too much sugar, but it was a nice treat. She gave me the left over ones, so at least I can scrape the blackberry jam off the top and enjoy them at home. Mmmm, cream cheese…. yum!

I went over my limit again on Wednesday, but I was absolutely ravenous. Not sure where this hunger came from, but I was only over by like… 200 calories at least. For breakfast I had bacon, fried eggs, and some protein powder in my coffee. I nibbled on some celery and peanut butter on the side, as well. Yum!  Read the rest of this entry

day sixteen, 152 lbs

Hi friends! What a wonderful Tuesday!Quick recap, Sunday night was pretty amazing. You’d have to live under a rock not to know about Curiosity landing. I stayed up and watched the livestream from NASA and JPL and had a whale of a time. Hubby and puppy even sat with me during the seven minutes of terror. My poor heart was racing like crazy, just waiting for the news. I have always a love for learning, especially the planets. I blame Sailor Moon. Hubby and I started cheering when we got the news that Curiosity was safe and we eagerly waited, hoping against hope for pictures. I definitely cried a bit when I saw the thumbnails. Wow. Wow. It was so surreal, knowing that those pixels are from the surface of another planet. I was hoping for some Prothean ruins. A girl can dream, right?

Monday was EVENTFUL! Hubby had duty, so I was taking him to work in the wee hours of the morning (okay okay… seven am.) since we only have the one car right now. We chatted about adopting another doggie and decided we want to go look at the local humane societies and rescues this week. Hubby grew up with three Red Nose Pitbulls and he has wanted one of his own for years.

I was initially a little reluctant about having a pit. I’ve had cats my whole life and I was never much of a dog person. Plus, I was only vaguely aware of Pitbulls being “vicious” and wasn’t keen on them. But hubby encouraged me to look into it and told me all about growing up with his dogs. I’m a little nervous, but Pooch has definitely warmed me up to the idea. Pooch is *very* rambunctious and it can be difficult keeping up with him, especially when I have chores to do. A little sister might be just what he needs. I can see how having a buddy to play with would be really nice, especially once I start going to school. :]

Anyways, I dropped hubby off and headed home, running through my day in my head. Then some idiot decided to try and murder me. This van decided that, despite having a completely open right lane, the left lane was superior. The problem was, I was right next him, in the way. “What a bother” he must have thought, as he merged anyways. Luckily I slammed on the brakes and the car behind me was far enough away to brake themselves. I swerved a few times, and eventually got my car under control.

Holy. Shit. Balls. I was so angry and scared and surprised that I burst into equal parts tears and expletives.

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day fourteen, 153 lbs

Holy! Shoes!

Fishing yesterday was fantastic. I mean, only hubby caught a fish, that he had to release, but it was just such a fun time. Sure, I suck and my pole hates me, but wow! We went to Wildcat Lake and got soaked! Unfortunately it was a bit late in the day, so the fishies weren’t biting. But it was nice. We tied Pooch to a fence that extended into the water and he got some nice swimming and rolling in the dirt accomplished. The three of us made an executive decision to head to the ponds on the Bangor base around three o clock. The ponds were nice, but not shaded at all. And on the hottest day of the year… Well, we will definitely go back, but at the ass-crack of dawn.

I forgot to take photos of the actual adventure… or of my food… but I did take some of my buddy and my puppy! Said buddy wants to use my puppy for picking up ladies. HRRRRRMMMMMM. We will see!

Bro'in out

Pooch is learning how to thug it up.

Food yesterday was awesome. I only ended up eating the Oopsie Roll sandwiches and I was full for hours. I had a few pork rinds while cooking dinner, but hubby demolished my celery and peanut butter. He had never combined them before. Sacrilege.

Dinner was delicious! I had some chicken thighs that I stuffed with cream cheese, pepper jack, and chives. I rolled them in egg and crushed pork rinds and baked them with a butter-garlic-lime sauce. Hubby had potatoes roasted in the same mix on the side, I just had two pieces of chicken. It was quite scrumptious! Hubby was a bit reluctant regarding the pork rinds as breading, but it turned out very yummy. Spicy, but not overwhelming the chicken. Definitely need to get more Pork Rinds, as they are my default snack.

Not sure what is planned for today. We need to do some dishes and make a trip to the grocery store, but I’m saving my big chores for tomorrow. I plan on fasting again tomorrow, since hubby will be on duty and there won’t be any need for me to cook. Cleaning helps pass the time. Ugh, I sound so domestic. Maybe I’ll set aside a few hours where I’ll just play video games or watch cheesy true crime shows…

News wise, I found this article on almonds to be quite interesting. Calories are such an inaccurate measure of food, but it seems we are stuck with them. Still, at least I can eat more almonds without feeling so guilty! I wonder what other nuts have drastically incorrect caloric counts.

Hopefully today I remember to take photos of my meals! Happy eating. :]

day thirteen, 152 lbs.

Today will be a very short post. My husband has the whole weekend off for the first time in, I don’t know, a month? It’s wonderful!

We’re going to Wildcat Lake with a good friend and going to fish the fuck out of that lake. Trouts will be caught. Trouts will be eaten. Om nom nom. Pooch is coming with us, too! So I’ll have loads of adorable pictures and hopefully some nice landscape shots. I enjoy photography, but I’m not very good at it. I’m hoping to take a photography course at uni in the winter or the spring.

I’ve packed quite a delicious lunch for myself. I made some Oopsie Rolls, and oh my goodness. It is like bread cotton candy. They are so light and SO delicious! The perfect substitute for bread (I think I like these MORE than bread… ssshh, don’t tell my husband). I have some roast beef, pepper jack cheese, tomato, and lettuce packed for my sandwich. Almonds, sunflower seeds, peanuts, pork rinds, celery and peanut butter have been packed for my snacks. I doubt I’ll eat everything I packed, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. :]

We should be gone all day long. I’m going to have to program reminders on my phone for sunscreen, as I burn like a motherfucker. It sucks having English genetics sometimes. :[

Have a wonderful Saturday!


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-Martha Grimes

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a dessert diet

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The Nikkipedia

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That Stylish Bitch

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Recreation and Whimsy

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Meagan Says

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thrift shopping, DIY, crafting, and creative endeavors

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