Tag Archives: heavy whipping cream

day nineteen, 153 lbs

What a wonderful few days it has been! Tuesday night, hubby and I went to his mums place for dinner. It was very nice, not having to cook and having such a wonderful meal. I went over on my calories, sure, but it was an absolutely lovely meal and evening. Momma made spaghetti and red sauce for hubby and the others and a divine Caesar Salad (no croutons!) for me. I had some mozzarella and salami with it and it was delightful. The fresh bread was so tempting… but I stayed strong! I kept chanting in my brain “carbs are gross, carbs are gross”. Eventually I will start to believe this!

She made a wonderful keto cheesecake dessert for me. The jam preserve definitely has too much sugar, but it was a nice treat. She gave me the left over ones, so at least I can scrape the blackberry jam off the top and enjoy them at home. Mmmm, cream cheese…. yum!

I went over my limit again on Wednesday, but I was absolutely ravenous. Not sure where this hunger came from, but I was only over by like… 200 calories at least. For breakfast I had bacon, fried eggs, and some protein powder in my coffee. I nibbled on some celery and peanut butter on the side, as well. Yum!  Read the rest of this entry

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