day nineteen, 153 lbs

What a wonderful few days it has been! Tuesday night, hubby and I went to his mums place for dinner. It was very nice, not having to cook and having such a wonderful meal. I went over on my calories, sure, but it was an absolutely lovely meal and evening. Momma made spaghetti and red sauce for hubby and the others and a divine Caesar Salad (no croutons!) for me. I had some mozzarella and salami with it and it was delightful. The fresh bread was so tempting… but I stayed strong! I kept chanting in my brain “carbs are gross, carbs are gross”. Eventually I will start to believe this!

She made a wonderful keto cheesecake dessert for me. The jam preserve definitely has too much sugar, but it was a nice treat. She gave me the left over ones, so at least I can scrape the blackberry jam off the top and enjoy them at home. Mmmm, cream cheese…. yum!

I went over my limit again on Wednesday, but I was absolutely ravenous. Not sure where this hunger came from, but I was only over by like… 200 calories at least. For breakfast I had bacon, fried eggs, and some protein powder in my coffee. I nibbled on some celery and peanut butter on the side, as well. Yum! 

Mmmmm… bacon….

Crisp… delicious… healthy.

Protein powder + coffee = delicious

That evening, hubby had some mates over to play Magic. So I made bratwursts, Creamy Cheesy Spinach, and sauteed onions and mushrooms. I par-boiled the bratwursts first and cooked them on low on the grill. As good as my beer brats? No. Better than normal? Absolutely. Cooked all the way through, juicy and flavorful, everyone really enjoyed them. Though I did receive a complaint that we don’t have hotdog buns. Not my fault! Hubby buys all the bread in this house, since he is usually the only one eating it. Better luck next time!

You can’t have brats without onions! And some mushrooms for the hubby. Blech.

Delicious! Now if only I had taken a photo of the brats… oops!

Yesterday, hubby had switched duty days. One of his friends has to go underway with a different boat soon, so today is their last Friday Night Magic together for quite some time. So while hubby was away, I tried to get chores done around multiple appointments at the Naval Hospital, errands and playing with Pooch. I at least got a few loads of laundry done! And a load of dishes. Sigh… I am a terribad housewife. I just don’t like cleaning. At all. I play music, or put a show on, but I end up distracted… I will figure it out eventually, right?

Hubby and I had the remaining fajita steak and scrambled eggs for breakfast before I took him to work. I nibbled on sunflower seeds, almonds, peanuts, and sesame seeds throughout the day. Before I knew it, dinner time came and I hadn’t defrosted anything…

Salad to the rescue! I made a faux Caesar salad.  I used summer sausage, tomato, dressing, celery, spinach, lettuce and pine nuts in my creation with a healthy amount of parmesan cheese. I had one of those cheesecakes my mother-in-law made for dessert… shouldn’t have, but it was sooooo good.

So easy… so delicious.

After dinner, I took Pooch to Clear Creek Park on a walk. We walked alongside the freeway and onto the boardwalks for a while. He loved all the new smells, sounds, sights and we had quite the adventure! We will definitely have to go back, though next time I will wear short sleeves and shorts as it is rather humid.

Now, it is Friday! I made my coffee shake today and picked up my husband from work. I made him a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich for breakfast. He has some sort of meeting with an admiral later this morning, but at least I got to feed him. Later tonight, he’s going to FNM and my gal-pal is coming over for The Dark Knight Rises and dinner. I have defrosted pork chops in the fridge… now to find something incredible to do with them.

See, I still feed my husband normal people food!

Happy eating!

And, just for shits and giggles, here’s my breakfast shake information.

The Coffee Shake


10 fluid ounces warm coffee

2 tablespoons heavy whipping cream

1 Scoop Body Fortress Super Advanced Whey Isolate in Vanilla (or comparable low carb protein powder)

1 1/2 tsp Unsweetened Cocoa Powder

1 tbsp Peanut Butter


1: Brew coffee. You shouldn’t need help with this, it’s easier than pooping.

2: Pour coffee into blender. Those single serve blender things are awesome! Get one that has an on/off switch, though, as I have to plug mine in to turn it on. What a terrible design concept.

3: Pour protein powder into coffee. I mix it roughly here, just so I don’t get those annoying patches on the side of the container that never blend into the drink. I hate suddenly encountering a huge fuckall piece of powder. Blech.

4: Add peanut butter, unsweetened cocoa powder, and heavy whipping cream.

5: Blend the ever loving shit out of this monstrosity. Blend some more. Keep blending, that peanut butter is going to be a huge pain in the dick.

6: Blend some more. I shit you not. Plus, it helps the cream get kind of frothy and even way yummier.

7: Drink! It is the perfect temperature, unless you added hot heavy whipping cream or something stupid like that.

Nutrition Information

341 Calories, 19.5 g of fat (8.6 from saturated fat), 4.5 g of carbohydrate (2 g from fiber), 2.5 g net carb, 35.5 g of protein.

About iamcalledwonder

I'm Wonder. I'm fancy, I'm a quasi-Expat. I have a corgi. I am trying to lose weight. I love bacon, music, my husband, tea, coffee and the colour orange. I'm a freshman at uni. I'm sure you're sick of all these sentences that start with "I".

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