Tag Archives: jpl

day sixteen, 152 lbs

Hi friends! What a wonderful Tuesday!Quick recap, Sunday night was pretty amazing. You’d have to live under a rock not to know about Curiosity landing. I stayed up and watched the livestream from NASA and JPL and had a whale of a time. Hubby and puppy even sat with me during the seven minutes of terror. My poor heart was racing like crazy, just waiting for the news. I have always a love for learning, especially the planets. I blame Sailor Moon. Hubby and I started cheering when we got the news that Curiosity was safe and we eagerly waited, hoping against hope for pictures. I definitely cried a bit when I saw the thumbnails. Wow. Wow. It was so surreal, knowing that those pixels are from the surface of another planet. I was hoping for some Prothean ruins. A girl can dream, right?

Monday was EVENTFUL! Hubby had duty, so I was taking him to work in the wee hours of the morning (okay okay… seven am.) since we only have the one car right now. We chatted about adopting another doggie and decided we want to go look at the local humane societies and rescues this week. Hubby grew up with three Red Nose Pitbulls and he has wanted one of his own for years.

I was initially a little reluctant about having a pit. I’ve had cats my whole life and I was never much of a dog person. Plus, I was only vaguely aware of Pitbulls being “vicious” and wasn’t keen on them. But hubby encouraged me to look into it and told me all about growing up with his dogs. I’m a little nervous, but Pooch has definitely warmed me up to the idea. Pooch is *very* rambunctious and it can be difficult keeping up with him, especially when I have chores to do. A little sister might be just what he needs. I can see how having a buddy to play with would be really nice, especially once I start going to school. :]

Anyways, I dropped hubby off and headed home, running through my day in my head. Then some idiot decided to try and murder me. This van decided that, despite having a completely open right lane, the left lane was superior. The problem was, I was right next him, in the way. “What a bother” he must have thought, as he merged anyways. Luckily I slammed on the brakes and the car behind me was far enough away to brake themselves. I swerved a few times, and eventually got my car under control.

Holy. Shit. Balls. I was so angry and scared and surprised that I burst into equal parts tears and expletives.

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